Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why is the internet responsible for so many religious people abandoning their religion?

Is it the internet's availability of facts? What about the internet's ability to allow people all over the world to instantly communicate ideas? There's another one too; the internet can allow people to post pictures, videos, text etc, and people can see these aspects of other people's lives and be influenced by how other people live their lives. All these functions of the internet work against organized religion that has a history of keeping people ignorant, isolated and influenced only by people in their religion. What do you think about the internet's affect on organized religion?Why is the internet responsible for so many religious people abandoning their religion?
Open access to knowledge and other view points.

Religion counts on the ignorance of its followers to keep them believing. But in the information age, it's impossible to control people's access to knowledge. Thus, more people abandoning religion.
I love the internet. It is a great way to find information if you use it right. I think technological advancements such as the internet will ultimately cause the demise of religion. People have had to rely on religious institutions for everything and now technology is replacing that need in a much more efficient and accurate way.Why is the internet responsible for so many religious people abandoning their religion?
Hurray for unsubstantiated claims!

On the contrary, it was the internet that got me to truly convert, if not for it, I would just listen to the news and my anti-Catholic friends on what they believe the Church teaches. Because of the internet, I learned what it actually teaches and therefore believe.
Both the internet and most religions are tools of Satan used to draw people away from God. Satan doesn't care if you go to church as long as you go to the wrong one (one that is not accepted by Jehovah) The internet is one of his favorite tools. Look at all the trouble it has caused. It could be a wonderful thing used for the right purpose. For example I use it to preach the word of God.Why is the internet responsible for so many religious people abandoning their religion?
King James Version Bible

2 Peter Chapter 1

2. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

Romans Chapter 1

28. And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31. Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32. Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Religious Information extracted from bogus websites are false and fraudulent. One has to know the legit website of an organization, otherwise, we will wallow in the mud of deceit and lies.
I like to wallow in mud
name one.
As an atheist I would offer that the internet has caused more people to see the way they have been brain washed by their parents, by society and by their various religious leaders, into believing and buying into belief systems that are basically untenable when reason is applied to the claims of the various religions. Much more damaging to religious causes has been the direct and instant availability on the internet, of the logical ideas and concepts of persons who are able to think more critically than others, and who are braver in openly promoting blasphemous concepts, which directly challenge the rigid structures of the doctrines of religions. As science discovers new things that contradict religious doctrine, and such info becomes readily available to the internet public, it also becomes a point of ridicule to observe religious leaders do the equivalent of aerial semantic acrobatics to try and equate and align the new science with the doctrines of their religions, to try to prove that the science is from the God they embrace.

Christians who hold dearly to the belief that their God is real and loves them dearly should think about the following. Their God has shown them his love by first creating ONLY ONE SINGLE PAIRED option of choice, called Heaven and Hell, for Believers to choose one place (from such option), and has MANDATED they choose one of these two places he has offered, from this single paired option, as to where they they should spend their Eternity. He has further shown his 'love' by giving them the 'gift ' of Free Will to make this choice, which really means that YOU are to blame for whatever choice you make and not GOD, who can wash his hands of the responsibility of your choice, in spite of the very logical fact that whoever has the terrible ABILITY to DESIGN and CREATE such a choice, is ultimately RESPONSIBLE for the horrendously painful effect it has, of causing souls to be able to make themselves go to Hell. To show how GREAT his love really is, He, God, has released among his Creation (whom he says he loves so much), a Devil called Satan, whose job it is to tempt God's created souls away from choosing Heaven and to try to get them to choose Hell instead. God has endowed this Devil with all the charm and cunning, almost of God himself, to really qualify him for leading you away from Heaven and into the eternal suffering of Hell. Is that LOVE, from a Creator who is supposed to have the ability to do whatever he wants, but chooses to make this SYSTEM instead, which causes so much suffering, to so may of his own Creation? He is a Monster to have made it, and to have done it in this way, where he can blame the 'soul' for choosing its own destiny, a destiny He, God, PREMEDITATED long before he even made the soul, Heaven, Hell or anything at all (since He is All-Knowing!)

A God who creates like this does not seem to care that his 'gift' of free will has given His Creation a 50% chance of suffering eternally in Hell, and no loving human parent on His so-called created Earth, who could ever imagine having the power of such a God, would ever design and create such a choice (as Heaven and Hell) for any child they loved here on Earth. True love does not expose the ones you love to even the remotest chance that a loved-one may suffer, like the suffering in Hell is supposed to be, and for that length of time....ETERNITY.
That is not LOVE and no God who creates like that should be worshiped

Since the Bible describes God as all about love, and this choice from this God is all about the complete absence of LOVE, this choice makes the Bible a creation of fallible Man, who created the God in it, and failed to see the logical problem of this conflict of Love in their Bible, when they ascribed it's inspiration to the God they, unthinking Man, created themselves when they penned the Bible.

The internet has allowed an idea like this comparison of Love, to be spread all over the world of electronic communication and undermine, with logic, the illusion of a real god. To Believers, atheists like myself, who originate and articulate such critical thinking, are doing the Devil's work of way-laying souls to Hell. I therefore offer logically, that if their God is real and I am doing the Real God's, Devil's work, then my thinking, and the creation of the Internet, and its ability to disseminate these 'blasphemous heresies', HAS to be the will of their God, since nothing happens without it being the WILL of the BIBLE God, and this therefore means that He, God is using the Internet to help his Devil herd a multitude of 'souls' into the waiting, suffering, eternal arms of Hell.

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