Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is the fastest internet speed in the world?

I have recently read an article which mentioned that Uni of Buffalo has got 1 gigabit per second speed internet. Could this be true?. Please answer which is the fastest internet connection in the world?What is the fastest internet speed in the world?
A lot faster: 40 GB/s. An old swedish lady has it in her home.

(They will also upgrade it to 80GB/sec if I remember correctly.)

Although she only uses it for drying clothes and reading newspapers online. :)What is the fastest internet speed in the world?
You can check the results from google as top ten lists and you can check the speed test as free from

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What is the fastest internet speed in the world?
Actually, the other posters aren't even close. Here's the breakdown:

First, Home Users:

Your Typical Dialup: 56 Kbps

Typical DSL/Cable: 640 Kbps

DS1/T1: 1,581 Kbps (1.544 Mbps)

Next, Corporate Users:

E-1: 2.048 Mbps

DS1C/T-1C: 3.152 Mbps

DS2/T-2: 6.312 Mbps

E-2: 8.448 Mbps

E-3: 34.368 Mbps

DS3/T3: 44.736 Mbps

OC-1 : 51.84 Mbps

Then, Minor TelCo (these are smaller phone companies, hosts, broadband providers, etc. This is where it starts getting ridiculous):

DS3D/T-3D: 135 Mbps

E-4: 139.264 Mbps

OC-3: 155.52 Mbps

DS4: 274.176 Mbps

E-5: 565.148 Mbps

OC-12: 622.08 Mbps

Next Major TelCo (larger phone companies, government agencies like NASA, small countries; this is where it IS ridiculous):

OC-24 1.244 Gbps (Yes, GIGAbits per second)

OC-48 2.488 Gbps

OC-192 10 Gbps

OC-256 13.271 Gbps

OC-768 39.813 Gbps

Finally, God-Class (The Internet's backbones, large countries, major, major TelCos, like AT%26amp;T; this is just staggering). Though in fairness, these are really sophisticated methods of clustering the earlier ones:

OC-3072: 1.28 Tbps

DWDM: 10 Tbps

Dense Wave Division Multiplexing- Uses 160 simultaneous beams of light in different colors to send many packets through the same lines

Cisco CRS-1--%26gt; 92 Tbps!!!

This is the Big Boy, and it CAPS OUT at 92Tb, not starts there. India (the COUNTRY) bought ONE. The router itself (around $400,000 last I checked) was codenamed HFR (Huge F-ing Router) by Cisco during development.

To put this all in perspective:

Gigabits:.... 1.0000

Megabits:... 1024.0000

Kilobits:..... 1048576.0000

Bits:.......... 1073741824.0000

Therefore, if you have a ONE Gbps connection, you can download an entire DVD at 100% quality in 36 seconds (or 32 mp3 songs per second).
grease lightning!

you can get it from AT%26amp;T. its on their site. just google it!

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